

What every Nigerian should know about COVID-19 vaccines

The world having fought the Corona Virus for some months now, at last, safe and effective COVID-19 vaccines are available and with vaccinations officially underway in the US, UK and some other parts around the world. They are some basic information that every Nigerian should know about the Covid-19 vaccines.

Even though vaccines can prevent illness from the novel coronavirus that causes COVID-19, there are still some unanswered questions on whether the vaccine can prevent the spread of the virus? who should be vaccinated? Is the vaccine safe? How much will the vaccine cost? Amongst others. Data from the clinical trials show that Pfizer’s vaccine, which is 95 per cent effective, can offer partial protection as early as 12 days after the first dose. That protection can last for at least two months, a second dose is then required to achieve the vaccine’s full potential. Everyone should be vaccinated to ensure effectiveness of the vaccine. The vaccines are typically designed to prevent people from getting sick with the virus, but it is not yet clear if the COVID-19 vaccines by Pfizer or Moderna can stop transmission of the virus to other people. Vaccine providers will be able to charge an administration fee for giving the shot, but this fee should be covered by public or private insurance, or by government relief fund.

Read more details at Vanguard

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