

How to Look 10 Years Younger

More than beauty genes these quick tips are surefire ways to shave off years from your face.

Bleach your teeth

Years of eating and drinking has taken it toll on your dentines so shining them once in 2-3 years is a brillant idea. While shining, fillings tartar and any bleeding gums should be taken care of, never ignore bleeding gums. Immediately you remove yellowy oil and dark food stains you will see your laugh and face brighten dramatically. Ladies can take it a notch further by applying hot chocolate or pepper red lipstick.

Block the sun

Do you know why big-framed sunglasses are good for you? Its because they provide lots of shade for your eyes, one of the first places to grow old on your face! Its also a good idea to use sunscreen near your eyes as possible.  If you choose a sunscreen formula for babies or one that is sans chemical, it wont sting your eyes.

Remove dark circles

Mosturiser is the key. The skin under your eyes will appear darker if dehydrated no matter how long you sleep. You can also use Retin-A cream or one with hyaluronic acid to lighten dark circles.

Sleep with pillows

Your eyes will look less puffy and your face less old if you raise your head and prevent fluids from gathering under your eyes while you sleep.

Draw your lashes out

Use mascara superbly to achieve wide open youthful eyes. Should you use an eyelash curler for this? Hmmm, that one is controversial. One school of thought believes that eye lash curling is for people with lashes so round that they form an O. So the curlers draw them out. The other school of thought says you are only getting half the benefits of mascara if you dont curl your lashes first. And they live by it.

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