

Agege Bread Pizza! Another Great Twist from The Funke Koleosho's Food Blog

What inspired this food combo?

"The establishment of pizza food companies such as Domino's, in many African countries including Nigeria, has made pizza more accessible and it has become much more of a favourite fast food for an increasing number of people in Nigeria. The only thing is,.... it could be pricey!" writes Funke on her blog.

"It would seem that  different countries have had their own spin on making pizza, so I thought I might also try to give Pizza a Nigerian identity...if possible. 😊😊😊😊

All I needed was to find a suitable base, some cheese, a good tomato sauce and a variety of my favourite vegetables and proteins. My first thoughts for a base....  Agege Bread...! she gushes.

Get the yum recipe here.

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