

What if your 6 year old PREFERS Breast milk?

Let's imagine this scenario together, you have a child and by age 6, the child is still crawling and has refused to walk, or the child still wants breast milk, or baby food and will not take any SOLIDS. What would you do? Let me know in the comments. LOL
Declare fasting and prayer?
Call on your man of GOD and run to the house of prayer (Church or mosque)?
Find a specialist doctor who understands what is going on?
Visit the native dibia in your village and invoke the gods?
Find your way to the embassy for visa to any country that has a solution?
Or just sit and keep staring at your child with a smile on your face hoping that by some sheer luck, miracle or collision of the universe the child will suddenly develop all the skills he needs to be a real age 6???

I see this happen in business all the time, no well thought out plan to ensure our business grows. How long will you keep waiting for a miracle to happen? Like a child, your business needs to be fed right to grow. If you are in that place where you need concrete actionable steps for the next phase in your business then I have good news for you.

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